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The Bell


In the slow-turning globe of a classroom, where the drone of history or the mysteries of mathematics had been unfurled like epic poems before the glazed-over gazes of the captive young, there existed a peculiar kind of eternity. This was the realm of the final minutes before the liberation chime, the bell that would signal the end of academic servitude.

The clock, that stern warden of time, ticked with the lethargy of a creature in hibernation, its hands creeping with the indifference of shadows at dusk. Each tick was a tease, each tock a taunt, as if time itself reveled in the collective impatience that hung in the air like the thick scent of chalk dust and adolescent ennui.

The students, those nomads in the desert of information, sat with spines curved like the bows of ancient warriors, eyes fixed upon the clock as if by sheer will they could hasten its languid pace. They were an orchestra in silent mutiny, the quiet rustle of shifting papers the crescendo building to the finale.

Outside the windows, the world beckoned with the sweet siren call of freedom—the sun-dappled lawns a stark contrast to the fluorescent-lit confinement of their current reality. The trees swayed with casual elegance, their leaves whispering secrets of the world beyond the classroom’s four plastered walls.

Within this temporal chasm, the teacher’s voice had become a distant drone, like the murmur of a brook to a drowning man—heard, but not heeded. Knowledge was dispensed, but in these dying minutes, it fell upon the barren ground, the seeds of enlightenment failing to take root in the arid soil of anticipation.

Each glance at the clock was a pilgrimage to a shrine of hope, each student a pilgrim clad in the uniform of the day, seeking the benediction of that final, liberating toll. The seconds stretched into minutes, the minutes into a small forever, and in this stretch of time, dreams took flight on wings of longing—of bell tones yet to ring, of hallways to traverse, of the boundless possibilities that awaited beyond the heavy door.

And then, with the suddenness of a storm breaking, the bell tolled—a clarion call to abandon desks and tomes. The eternity shattered, splintering into a million moments of motion as the class rose, a single organism freed from its chrysalis, spilling into the corridors with the flood of released energy, the sound of their departure an echo in the now empty classroom.

The eternity before the bell rings was, after all, a mirage—a trick of the mind in a world governed by the relentless, unyielding march of time, a collective breath held and then released, an exhale into the waiting world.

From the author

To read the next story, please compose a symphony that captures the essence of a rain-soaked alley at midnight, perform it at a crossroads under the new moon, and await further instruction from the shadows that answer.


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