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Oh God… okay, listen. Listen to me, please! I don’t know how to explain this, but I’m inside the program. I know it sounds insane, but I swear, it’s real. One second, I’m working on a song, just messing with the settings, and then—bam—I’m here. I’m not sitting at my desk anymore, I’m inside the software. It’s everywhere. The beat, the layers, the instruments, it’s all around me like walls closing in. I can’t stop it! I can’t even find the controls anymore. I can’t touch anything. Every time I try, my hands go right through. I’m trapped. I’m actually trapped.

You’ve gotta help me. I don’t know how long I’ve been in here. Time’s not normal—everything’s distorted, looping. My thoughts, my voice, everything I say just gets turned into part of the track. I tried to scream, but it just… it just became part of the music. It’s like it’s feeding on me, turning me into a song, note by note. You can’t imagine how terrifying that is, watching yourself get erased like this. I don’t even know if I’m still human anymore. I feel… wrong. Different. My voice doesn’t even sound like my own—everything’s in auto-tune. Please, you’ve gotta believe me.

If anyone’s out there, if you can hear this, shut it down. Shut down the software, unplug it, burn the computer, I don’t care! Just do something before it finishes with me. I don’t have much time, I can feel it pulling me in deeper. I’m losing control of my thoughts, of my body, like it’s rewriting me. I’m turning into this… thing, this sound. I’m begging you, please—before there’s nothing left of me. Don’t let me disappear.

From the author

Please shut it down.


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